Every hour features listener phone calls, engaging contests with prizes, star-studded interviews, and the biggest Top 40 hits curated through in-depth music research and live song requests from listeners. Unlike other national Top 40 night shows, LIVELINE is music-intensive and fast-paced, avoiding excessive chatter talk-show.

About the show
LIVELINE creates significant “FOMO” with numerous benchmarks every hour.
As Top 40 radio has lost its entertainment value and energy in many markets, it has, in many cases, devolved into a music jukebox. The result? Radio has lost younger listeners to commercial-free streaming services that provide personalized playlists for each listener. However, LIVELINE listeners feel connected to the real world as they hear callers request songs and share real-time comments about their experiences—whether it’s a party in Alabama, a traffic jam in Massachusetts, a festival in Montana, or a prom in Nebraska. Though tightly formatted, LIVELINE maintains a fun, “loosey-goosey” vibe where anything can happen.
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He’s a uniquely charismatic and compelling air talent who embodies Gen Z, right at the heart of Top 40 and Hot AC’s target audiences. Mason is social media savvy, up on the latest trends, celebrity gossip, and emerging artists. He is genuine, relatable, and open with his audience, presenting a captivating blend of excitement, edge, and charm. Mason connects with listeners through his exceptional storytelling skills, engaging them in live phone calls and promoting the music effectively.